For more than 100 years, MOA has been dedicated to making optometry a stronger, better, and more visible profession. It has worked diligently on all fronts to ensure that those who have earned the title of Doctor of Optometry have the opportunity to practice their profession to the fullest extent possible.
MOA is an organized community that provides a voice for the optometrists of this state.
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MOA Background
The Mississippi Optometric Association was incorporated December 31, 1947. The Mississippi Optical Society was first discussed as an organization in 1902, but was not organized until May 28, 1906. In 1909 it became the Mississippi Association of Optometrists, and in 1927 it became known as it is now – the Mississippi Optometric Association. (Information obtained at ILAMO). In 1920 Mississippi passed its first optometry law. In 1982 the first DPA law passed and TPA law passed in 1994. In 2005, the optometrists in Mississippi were given the authority to administer and prescribe oral pharmaceuticals, antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, over-the-counter allergy medications and oral analgesic controlled substances in Schedule IV and V for pain.
MOA represents over 70 percent of practicing optometrists in the state. The office is located at 141 Executive Drive Suite 5, Madison, MS, 39110.
Elected officers and board members govern the association. There are five officers and eight directors. There are eight societies in the state. Each society has a president and officers as needed.
Sarah E. Link, CAE, Executive Director; Lina Hanson, Administrative Assistant; and Cynthia Huff, Membership Coordinator, staff the MOA office. Please do not hesitate to call them at 601-853-4407 or e-mail / / If they do not have the information you need, they will help you find an answer.
Consumers and state agencies contact the association office with questions related to optometry. The office is frequently contacted to verify names and addresses. Others request the association to recommend an optometrist (policy is to give three names of our members.)
MOA operates on a January 1 – December 31 fiscal year.